28 nov 2012

~ Carpet Project ~


Today I started a trapillo* carpet. I had it started in round form but I preffered redo it with a semi-square form.Here a collage with some pics. I think I need another ball of trapillo 'cause if not it will be so small and I wanna use it in my bathroom :D



*Trapillo means cloth-ball

24 nov 2012

~ Baking time! ~


Oh! I'm so happy, today has been a strange but great day. I had my first telephonic interview (in english!!!) and I think I done it perfect hahahahaha xD

But, after my happiness, has come the tragedy. I have decided to made some purchases in Internet  because today has been

But I think something is wrong 'cause the shop sended me the order confirmation mail but didn't sent me the payment request  :S
Because this I wrote a mail to the shop and their answering was an automatic mail with this message:   

"Hi there, 
  Thank you for writing. We are currently closed for a local Holiday, and will reopen on November 26. Shipping will resume, and we will begin answering e-mails at that time."

WEIRD!! But, don't mind! I'm really happy today! And I have decided end it with this lovely and tasty creation!


My very first brioix! It's about 750gr and I have enough flour for make another one of the same weight! Hahahahahaha!!


20 nov 2012

~ 10. Favorite Candy ~


A random pic of my drawing challenge! :D
I have more but, today I decide to updload the 10th of the challenge list! It's only a sketch.


10. Fave Candy


7 nov 2012

~ 30 Days Drawing Challenge ~


Yesterday I started a challenge. I know about it through TheCuteWay and I'm working for add my entries in Facebook.

Here I post the first draws (sketches):

1. Myself

2. Fave animal

And ink versions:

1. Myself 

2. Fave animal


26 sept 2012

~ New Pants ~


A couple of months ago I was trying to make a new pants for my boyfriend's Action Man but they didn't look really cool...
Today I improve a new pattern and... TADÁ!

They look better but... are a little bit small in the back and so straight. I remade the pattern and, if possible, tomorrow I'll try again :D


24 sept 2012

~ Reroot wefted PBP ~


Wow! Yesterday I was taking a look at this tutorial in We Love Blythe Brasil and today I decided try to do it with a scalp and 3 wefted bags of hair (all from Coolcat) I'd buy two years ago for give a new look to Sorami (she's based on my young sister and my sister's hair is curly and brown, not red as the doll I used has base (FrFr)).
My fingers hurts a lot but... it looks really great!

If you wanna try to do it you need:

 Wefted Hair (and a scalp)
And of course lots of patience!!!!

Here two pics with my progress till now:

Inside                                                                        Outside


20 sept 2012

~ Picco Neemo bodies ~


I'm so excited, the new bodies I bought a couple of weeks ago are just arrived! Now I need to decide which one I'll use for my Carola Escarola.

Here some pics I took before take them out of the box:

Comparision with original body of Carola Escarola:

I'm really impressed with D body, it can stand up! But I'm not really sure if with Carola's head it'll stand up too :S

Here another comparission pic, now fitting faceplate:

Now I need decide:


12 jul 2012

Custom process ~ Restarting

After more than a year I restart customicing a really special doll and I decide reupdate all the photos of the process.

Here the doll as she arrives on 2011

She arrived in very bad conditions and this makes me think about a better future for her.

I restored a little bit her mouth on 2011

I uploaded some pics in Flickr of the make-up I made her in 2011 and how I unmake-up her because I hate how she looks.

The first make-up I done in 2011
 Custom (Front)

Detail of her mouth
Custom (Lips detail)

Detail of her eyes in 2011
Custom( Eyes detail)

Details of her during the unmake-up
 Unmake-up process

It was hard but, little by little the make-up was removed
Unmake-up process

And I repainted her eyemech
Custom eyelid detail

Since then I tried to repaint her face with Montana (in Summer) because the green of her mouth (was rebuilded with green epoxi!!!! O__O), but it didn't give me a really good result and I sanded her face again and put her in a drawer. But, some days ago arrives Carola Escarola at home and I restarted my custom works. And her was not an exception. I was recarving her mouth, taking out some excess.

Now her mouth looks a little bit better

Here a detail of how her mouth looks now
I know it's complicated find the diference because I didn't take photos of her mouth in this position when she cames home. But, now the sides beside the mouth are soft, before they sides were like a precipice didn't looks natural.
BTW I hope I could give her a better life, because she'll be a special gift for someone really special.

I hope I could upload soon new pics of her!


8 jul 2012

Making patterns

Some days ago I took mesurements to my boyfriend's Action Men. As result of my work and after size and resize the patterns I have this:


It's only a probe but I'm really proud of it :D
I hope I could update soon with new trousers and overalls for my boyfriend toys :D


5 jul 2012

Customizing Carola Escarola


She's in home since the last week. I adopted she in Oh Blythe! City Forum.

Here the package!

                         My pic when she was just arrived!                                                             Photo of his previous father!

After think a lot why to do I started today customizing her. My boyfriend have a lot of tools and this was incredible, 'cause I don't have all the tools I need to customizing dolls ;P
                                                      Carola opened and ready to be customized!

I carved her mouth and nose. Now it's a bit rounded. But I need to work hard if I want she looks the most prettiest of this city!
Work detail

Work detail

I hope I could upload soon more pics of her ready to break this world!